Visual Studio Code Discord


😎 Another awesome and fully customizable VS Code extension to get Discord Rich Presence integration.

Remember to 🌟 this Github if you πŸ’– it.

For something in between a iCrawl/discord-vscode and a Satoqz/vscode-discord, with a few small changes, bug fixs and new pretty icons.

This may not be the best discord rpc, but it is a discord rpc. 😁

πŸ“Œ Features

  • Switch between 2 IDE names (Code and Visual Studio Code) (preview)
  • Highly customizable in using the extension settings
  • Shows what you're working on in Visual Studio Code
  • Shows the amount of problems in your workspace
  • Shows the number of lines in your file and which line you're editing
  • Respects Discords 15sec limit when it comes to updating your status
  • Support for over 130+ of the most popular languages
  • Enable/Disable RPC for individual workspaces
  • Custom string support
  • Stable or Insiders build detection
  • Debug mode detection
  • Easily manually reconnect to Discord Gateway
  • Idle indication when you tab out for a while

All texts is fully customizable using variables and a multitude of config options

πŸ“₯ Installation


Visual Studio Code or Visual Studio Code Insiders


Launch VS Code Quick Open (Ctrl+P), paste the following command, and press enter.


Use the Extension Marketplace

πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’» Contributing

To contribute to this repository, feel free to create a new fork of the repository and submit a pull request.

  1. Fork / Clone and select the main branch.
  2. Create a new branch in your fork.
  3. Make your changes.
  4. Commit your changes, and push them.
  5. Submit a Pull Request here!

πŸ“‹ License

This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.

Visual Studio Code Discord Rpc

Visual Studio Code Discord

Visual Studio Code Discord Bot

Discord Tools is a Visual Studio Code extension to code Discord bots more easily.

  • GITHUB :

Supported Languages

  • [x] Javascript (Discord.js, Eris)
  • [x] Typescript (Harmony)
  • [x] Python (
  • [x] Java (JDA)
  • [ ] Soon...


  • Javascript snippets
  • Typescript snippets
  • Python snippets
  • Java snippets


Generate a template Discord bot :

  • Open the command palette (Ctrl+Shift+P) and choose : Generate a <language> template bot (Discord.<language>) (not available for JDA, Harmony and Eris)

Open the Discord bot Documentation with/without a research :

  • Open the command palette (Ctrl+Shift+P) and choose : Open the Discord bot Documention
  • Shortcut : Ctrl+Alt+D
  • Works with, Discord.js and JDA (JDA, Harmony and Eris documentions do not allow to make a research)

Generate code easily :

Available Snippets

Javascript (Discord.js) :

  • djs.index : Create a basic Discord bot index.js file.
  • djs.cmd : Create a basic Discord command.
  • djs.cmd+ : Create a complex Discord command.
  • djs.embed : Create a basic Discord embed.
  • djs.embed+ : Create a complex Discord embed.
  • djs.message : Create a default Discord bot message event.
  • djs.guildmemberadd : Create a default Discord bot guildMemberAdd event.
  • djs.guildmemberremove : Create a default Discord bot guildMemberRemove event.
  • djs.guildcreate : Create a default Discord bot guildCreate event.
  • djs.guilddelete : Create a default Discord bot guildDelete event.
  • and 47 other events...

Javascript (Eris) :

  • eris.index : Create a basic Discord bot index.js file.
  • eris.cmd : Create a basic Discord command.
  • eris.cmd+ : Create a complex Discord command.
  • eris.embed : Create a basic Discord embed.
  • eris.embed+ : Create a complex Discord embed.
  • eris.message : Create a default Discord bot message event.

Javascript Preview :

Typescript (Harmony) :

  • hy.index : Create a basic Discord bot index.ts file.
  • hy.cmd : Create a basic Discord command.
  • hy.cmd+ : Create a complex Discord command.
  • hy.embed : Create a basic Discord embed.
  • hy.embed+ : Create a complex Discord embed.
  • hy.message : Create a default Discord bot message event.

Python ( :

  • dpy.main : Create a basic Discord bot file.
  • dpy.cog : Create a basic Discord cog.
  • dpy.cmd : Create a basic Discord command.
  • dpy.cmd+ : Create a complex Discord command.
  • dpy.embed : Create a basic Discord embed.
  • dpy.embed+ : Create a complex Discord embed.
  • dpy.onmessage : CCreate a default Discord bot on_message event.
  • dpy.onmemberjoin : Create a default Discord bot on_member_join event.
  • dpy.onmemberremove : Create a default Discord bot on_member_remove event.
  • dpy.onguildjoin : Create a default Discord bot on_guild_join event.
  • dpy.onguildremove : Create a default Discord bot on_guild_remove event.
  • and 59 other events...

Python Preview :

Java (JDA) :

  • jda.main : Create a basic Discord bot main function.
  • jda.cmd : Create a basic Discord command.
  • jda.embed : Create a basic Discord embed.
  • jda.embed+ : Create a complex Discord embed.
  • jda.onmessagereceived : Create a default Discord bot on.

Java Preview :

Functionality table

TemplateDocDoc searcherSnippets


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.

Release Notes

1.3.1 (Latest update)

  • Update the Discord.js template
  • Update the template


  • Add the Harmony support


  • Fix the python template


  • Fix workspace error
  • Small corrections


  • Add the Eris support
  • Add the definition of python parameters
  • Fix small python snippets


  • Several python snippet corrections
  • Correction of the python template


  • New snippet aliases
  • New snippet choices
  • Several corrections


  • New command : open the Discord bot Documentation with/without a research (works with, Discord.js, JDA)


  • New Discord.js bot template
  • New bot template generator system
  • New auto package downloader
  • Few small updates


  • 48 new Discord.js events added
  • Addition of capital letters to events
  • Few small updates


  • Change of snippet prefixes to dpy (, djs (Discord.js) and jda (JDA)
  • 59 new events added


  • New language supported : Java (JDA)


  • Several corrections


  • Initial release


This project is under GPLv3.

Visual Studio Code Discord Bot Python

Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Please be sure to answer the question.Provide details and share your research! Asking for help, clarification,. Extension for Visual Studio Code - Update your discord status with a rich presence.