Html Cheat Sheet Codecademy

This preview shows page 1 - 3 out of 6 pages. The console.log method is used to log or print messages to the console. It can also be used to print objects and other info. Log ('Hi there!' ); // Prints: Hi there! JavaScript is a programming language that powers the dynamic behavior on most websites. Alongside HTML and CSS, it is a core technology that makes the web run.

  1. Html Code Cheat Sheet
  2. Codecademy Html Tutorial

This HTML cheat sheet includes all HTML5 elements, their attributes, and their DOM interface.

ElementDescriptionAttributesDOM InterfaceNew in HTML5?
<!--...-->Specifies a comment None
<!DOCTYPE>Specifies the document type None
<a>Specifies a hyperlinkGlobal Attributes; Event Handlers; href; target; download; rel; hreflang; typeHTMLAnchorElement
<abbr>Specifies an abbreviationGlobal Attributes; Event Handlers; HTMLElement
<address>Specifies an address elementGlobal Attributes; Event Handlers; HTMLElement
<area>Specifies an area inside an image mapGlobal Attributes; Event Handlers; alt; coords; shape; href; target; download; rel; hreflang; typeHTMLAreaElement
<article>Specifies an articleGlobal Attributes; Event Handlers; HTMLElementNEW
<aside>Specifies content aside from the page contentGlobal Attributes; Event Handlers; HTMLElementNEW
<audio>Specifies sound contentGlobal Attributes; Event Handlers; src; crossorigin; preload; autoplay; mediagroup; loop; muted; controlsHTMLAudioElementNEW
<b>Specifies bold textGlobal Attributes; Event Handlers; HTMLElement
<base>Specifies a base URL for all the links in a pageGlobal Attributes; Event Handlers; href; target HTMLBaseElement
<bdi>For bi-directional text formattingGlobal Attributes; Event Handlers; HTMLElementNEW
<bdo>Specifies the direction of text displayGlobal Attributes; Event Handlers; HTMLElement
<blockquote>Specifies a long quotationGlobal Attributes; Event Handlers; cite HTMLQuoteElement
<body>Specifies the body elementGlobal Attributes; Event Handlers; onafterprint; onbeforeprint; onbeforeunload; onhashchange; onmessage; onoffline; ononline; onpagehide; onpageshow; onpopstate; onstorage; onunloadHTMLBodyElement
<br>Inserts a single line breakGlobal Attributes; Event Handlers; HTMLBRElement
<button>Specifies a push buttonGlobal Attributes; Event Handlers; autofocus; disabled; form; formaction; formenctype; formmethod; formnovalidate; formtarget; name; type; value HTMLButtonElement
<canvas>Define graphicsGlobal Attributes; Event Handlers; width; height HTMLCanvasElementNEW
<caption>Specifies a table captionGlobal Attributes; Event Handlers; HTMLTableCaptionElement
<cite>Specifies a citationGlobal Attributes; Event Handlers; HTMLElement
<code>Specifies computer code textGlobal Attributes; Event Handlers; HTMLElement
<col>Specifies attributes for table columns Global Attributes; Event Handlers; span HTMLTableColElement
<colgroup>Specifies groups of table columnsGlobal Attributes; Event Handlers; span HTMLTableColElement
<data>Allows for machine-readable data to be providedGlobal Attributes; Event Handlers; value HTMLDataElementNEW
<datalist>Specifies an 'autocomplete' dropdown listGlobal Attributes; Event Handlers; HTMLDataListElementNEW
<dd>Specifies a definition descriptionGlobal Attributes; Event Handlers; HTMLElement
<del>Specifies deleted textGlobal Attributes; Event Handlers; cite; datetime HTMLModElement
<details>Specifies details of an elementGlobal Attributes; Event Handlers; open HTMLDetailsElementNEW (HTML5.1)
<dfn>Defines a definition termGlobal Attributes; Event Handlers; HTMLElement
<dialog>Specifies that part of an application is interactive.Global Attributes; Event Handlers; open HTMLDialogElementNEW
<div>Specifies a section in a documentGlobal Attributes; Event Handlers; HTMLDivElement
<dl>Specifies a definition listGlobal Attributes; Event Handlers; HTMLDListElement
<dt>Specifies a definition termGlobal Attributes; Event Handlers; HTMLElement
<em>Specifies emphasized text Global Attributes; Event Handlers; HTMLElement
<embed>Specifies external application or interactive contentGlobal Attributes; Event Handlers; src; type; width; height; HTMLEmbedElementNEW
<fieldset>Specifies a fieldsetGlobal Attributes; Event Handlers; disabled; form; name HTMLFieldSetElement
<figcaption>Specifies caption for the figure element.Global Attributes; Event Handlers; HTMLElementNEW
<figure>Specifies a group of media content, and their captionGlobal Attributes; Event Handlers; HTMLElementNEW
<footer>Specifies a footer for a section or pageGlobal Attributes; Event Handlers; HTMLElementNEW
<form>Specifies a form Global Attributes; Event Handlers; accept-charset; action; autocomplete; enctype; method; name; novalidate; target HTMLFormElement
<h1> Specifies a heading level 1Global Attributes; Event Handlers; HTMLHeadingElement
<h2> Specifies a heading level 2Global Attributes; Event Handlers; HTMLHeadingElement
<h3> Specifies a heading level 3Global Attributes; Event Handlers; HTMLHeadingElement
<h4> Specifies a heading level 4Global Attributes; Event Handlers; HTMLHeadingElement
<h5> Specifies a heading level 5Global Attributes; Event Handlers; HTMLHeadingElement
<h6> Specifies a heading level 6Global Attributes; Event Handlers; HTMLHeadingElement
<head>Specifies information about the documentGlobal Attributes; Event Handlers; HTMLHeadElement
<header>Specifies a group of introductory or navigational aids, including hgroup elementsGlobal Attributes; Event Handlers; HTMLElementNEW
<hgroup>Specifies a header for a section or page.

NOTE: This element has been dropped from W3C HTML5 spec but it is still included in WHATWG Living Standard.

Global Attributes; Event Handlers; HTMLElementNEW
<hr> Specifies a horizontal ruleGlobal Attributes; Event Handlers; HTMLHRElement
<html>Specifies an html documentGlobal Attributes; Event Handlers; manifest HTMLHtmlElement
<i>Specifies italic textGlobal Attributes; Event Handlers; HTMLElement
<iframe>Specifies an inline sub window (frame)Global Attributes; Event Handlers; src; srcdoc; name; sandbox; width; height HTMLIFrameElement
<img>Specifies an imageGlobal Attributes; Event Handlers; alt; src; crossorigin; usemap; ismap; width; height HTMLImageElement
<input>Specifies an input fieldGlobal Attributes; Event Handlers; accept; alt; autocomplete; autofocus; checked; dirname; disabled; form; formaction; formenctype; formmethod; formnovalidate; formtarget; height; list; max; maxlength; min; minlength; multiple; name; pattern; placeholder; readonly; required; size; src; step; type; value; width HTMLInputElement
<ins>Specifies inserted textGlobal Attributes; Event Handlers; cite; datetime HTMLModElement
<kbd>Specifies keyboard textGlobal Attributes; Event Handlers; HTMLElement
<keygen>Generates a key pairGlobal Attributes; Event Handlers; autofocus; challenge; disabled; form; keytype; name HTMLKeygenElementNEW
<label>Specifies a label for a form controlGlobal Attributes; Event Handlers; form; for HTMLLabelElement
<legend>Specifies a title in a fieldsetGlobal Attributes; Event Handlers; HTMLLegendElement
<li>Specifies a list itemGlobal Attributes; Event Handlers; value HTMLLIElement
<link>Specifies a resource reference Global Attributes; Event Handlers; href; crossorigin; rel; media; hreflang; type; sizes HTMLLinkElement
<main>Specifies the main content area of an HTML document.Global Attributes; Event Handlers; HTMLElementNEW
<map>Specifies an image map Global Attributes; Event Handlers; name HTMLMapElement
<mark>Specifies marked textGlobal Attributes; Event Handlers; HTMLElementNEW
<menu>Specifies a menu listGlobal Attributes; Event Handlers; type; label; HTMLMenuElementNEW (HTML 5.1)
<menuitem>Specifies a command that a user can invoke from a popup menu.Global Attributes; Event Handlers; type; label; icon; disabled; checked;; radiogroup; default; command HTMLMenuItemElementNEW (HTML 5.1)
<meta>Specifies meta informationGlobal Attributes; Event Handlers; name; http-equiv; content; charset HTMLMetaElement
<meter>Specifies measurement within a predefined rangeGlobal Attributes; Event Handlers; value; min; max; low; high; optimum HTMLMeterElementNEW
<nav>Specifies navigation linksGlobal Attributes; Event Handlers; HTMLElementNEW
<noscript>Specifies a noscript sectionGlobal Attributes; Event Handlers; HTMLElement
<object>Specifies an embedded objectGlobal Attributes; Event Handlers; data; type; typemustmatch; name; usemap; form; width; height HTMLObjectElement
<ol>Specifies an ordered listGlobal Attributes; Event Handlers; reversed; start; type HTMLOListElement
<optgroup>Specifies an option groupGlobal Attributes; Event Handlers; disabled; label HTMLOptGroupElement
<option>Specifies an option in a drop-down listGlobal Attributes; Event Handlers; disabled; label; selected; value HTMLOptionElement
<output>Specifies some types of outputGlobal Attributes; Event Handlers; for; form; name HTMLOutputElementNEW
<p>Specifies a paragraphGlobal Attributes; Event Handlers; HTMLParagraphElement
<param>Specifies a parameter for an objectGlobal Attributes; Event Handlers; name; value HTMLParamElement
<pre>Specifies preformatted textGlobal Attributes; Event Handlers; HTMLPreElement
<progress>Specifies progress of a task of any kindGlobal Attributes; Event Handlers; value; max HTMLProgressElementNEW
<q>Specifies a short quotationGlobal Attributes; Event Handlers; cite HTMLQuoteElement
<rb>Marks the base text component of a ruby annotation.Global Attributes; Event Handlers; NEW
<rp>Used for the benefit of browsers that don't support ruby annotationsGlobal Attributes; Event Handlers; HTMLElementNEW
<rt>Specifies the ruby text component of a ruby annotation.Global Attributes; Event Handlers; HTMLElementNEW
<rtc>Marks a ruby text container for ruby text components in a ruby annotation.Global Attributes; Event Handlers; HTMLElementNEW
<ruby>Specifies a ruby annotation (used in East Asian typography)Global Attributes; Event Handlers; HTMLElementNEW
<s>Indicates text that's no longer accurate or relevant.Global Attributes; Event Handlers; HTMLElement
<samp>Specifies sample computer codeGlobal Attributes; Event Handlers; HTMLElement
<script>Specifies a scriptGlobal Attributes; Event Handlers; src; type; charset; async; defer; crossorigin HTMLScriptElement
<section>Specifies a sectionGlobal Attributes; Event Handlers; HTMLElementNEW
<select>Specifies a selectable listGlobal Attributes; Event Handlers; autofocus; disabled; form; multiple; name; required; size HTMLSelectElement
<small>Specifies small textGlobal Attributes; Event Handlers; HTMLElement
<source>Specifies media resourcesGlobal Attributes; Event Handlers; src; type; media HTMLSourceElementNEW
<span>Specifies a section in a documentGlobal Attributes; Event Handlers; HTMLSpanElement
<strong>Specifies strong textGlobal Attributes; Event Handlers; HTMLElement
<style>Specifies a style definitionGlobal Attributes; Event Handlers; media; type HTMLStyleElement
<sub>Specifies subscripted textGlobal Attributes; Event Handlers; HTMLElement
<summary>Specifies a summary / caption for the <details> elementGlobal Attributes; Event Handlers; HTMLElementNEW (HTML 5.1)
<sup>Specifies superscripted textGlobal Attributes; Event Handlers; HTMLElement
<table>Specifies a tableGlobal Attributes; Event Handlers; border HTMLTableElement
<tbody>Specifies a table bodyGlobal Attributes; Event Handlers; HTMLTableSectionElement
<td>Specifies a table cellGlobal Attributes; Event Handlers; HTMLTableDataCellElement
<template>Declares HTML fragments that can be cloned and inserted in the document by script.Global Attributes; Event Handlers; HTMLTemplateElementNEW
<textarea>Specifies a text areaGlobal Attributes; Event Handlers; autofocus; cols; dirname; disabled; form; maxlength; minlength; name; placeholder; readonly; required; rows; wrap HTMLTextAreaElement
<tfoot>Specifies a table footerGlobal Attributes; Event Handlers; HTMLTableSectionElement
<th>Specifies a table headerGlobal Attributes; Event Handlers; colspan; rowspan; headers; scope; abbr HTMLTableHeaderCellElement
<thead>Specifies a table headerGlobal Attributes; Event Handlers; HTMLTableSectionElement
<time>Specifies a date/timeGlobal Attributes; Event Handlers; datetime HTMLTimeElementNEW
<title>Specifies the document titleGlobal Attributes; Event Handlers; HTMLTitleElement
<tr>Specifies a table rowGlobal Attributes; Event Handlers; HTMLTableRowElement
<track>Specifies a text track for media such as video and audioGlobal Attributes; Event Handlers; default; kind; label; src; srclang HTMLTrackElementNEW
<u>Specifies text with a non-textual annotation.Global Attributes; Event Handlers; HTMLElement
<ul>Specifies an unordered listGlobal Attributes; Event Handlers; HTMLUListElement
<var>Specifies a variableGlobal Attributes; Event Handlers; HTMLElement
<video>Specifies a videoGlobal Attributes; Event Handlers; src; crossorigin; poster; preload; autoplay; mediagroup; loop; muted; controls; width; height HTMLVideoElementNEW
<wbr>Specifies a line break opportunity for very long words and strings of text with no spaces.Global Attributes; Event Handlers; HTMLElementNEW

Html Code Cheat Sheet

NEW - Cheat Sheets

Where STDMETHODCALLTYPE is defined by on Windows. Using Mocks in Tests. The typical work flow is: Import the gMock names you need to use. All gMock symbols are in the testing namespace unless they are macros or otherwise noted. In this project, you’ll be building your own reference cheat sheet to help you build more websites in the future! Although there are great places to learn HTML & CSS like Codecademy, the best reference for yourself is often your own notes and projects. The Funky Useful HTML Cheat Sheet html ( Core HTML by Andy Harris pdf ( HTML 5 Canvas A Web Standard for Dynamic Graphics by Simon Sarris pdf ( HTML Cheat Sheet by Robert Duncan html ( HTML CHEAT SHEET Berners-Lee invented it back in 1991. Today HTML5 is the standard version and it's supported by all modern web browsers. Our HTML cheat sheet gives you a full list of all the HTML elements, including descriptions, code examples and live previews. Simply scroll down to browse all HTML tags alphabetically or browse tags by their category.

Codecademy html tutorial

From Today’s newsletter:


Growing up, we had to memorize the spelling of words like “return,” remember that 12 x 12 = 144, and recall the conjugations of tener . Coding is not so different, having to memorize specific syntax, rules, and commands. And in coding, you’ll get an error if you misspell return , so it’s important to remember the details.

But coding should be less about rote memorization and more about understanding the principles at work. So to help you focus more on deeper understanding, we created Codecademy Cheat Sheets.

You can refer to a Cheat Sheet when you’re building your next project or querying a new data set. We also made them downloadable as PDFs, so you can take them with you anywhere.

We currently have cheat sheets for the following courses:

Codecademy Html Tutorial

More to come in the future. You’ll find them at the end of each relevant lesson.